“My soon to be 13 year old son has been attending the iCan Bike Camp in- Alpharetta this week! As a former educator and as a rehabilitation- counselor, I know how much having the ability to ride a bike can give- someone with a disability access to his/her community, and how it can- enhance family time, but I was totally unprepared for HOW PROUD MY SON IS- OF HIMSELF!!!- – When I went to the ‘parent meeting’, they talked about how having success- at riding a bike gives self-esteem boosts to our children. I have been- trying to get Marty to ride a bike since he was 3…. We gave up at about- 6. Last year, I missed the deadline, but this year, I made it in (they- take 40 campers each summer)…. And you know what? I don’t think Marty – would have been emotionally ready for this until this time! There are kids – of all ages (and they have taught adults, too)… but “almost 13€³ was the – perfect timing for Marty.

The first day, he threw his helmet off after 30 minutes (mad, tired, etc.)- but he got back on. Day 2 – he was chomping at the bit to get into the rink- – and he worked hard the whole time…. They said, ‘He took everything he- learned the first day, and applied it to what we wanted him to do today.’- Day 3 – he is riding a bike out in the parking lot! He – is riding a regular bike FOR REAL!!!! Yesterday, they took them on a- tandem bike with the campers in front (specially made bike) to see how they – balanced, steered, leaned, etc…. He was screaming, “whoooooo-hoooo!” as- he pedaled around the rink.

My kid is over the moon with pride & self-esteem! I’m so excited for him.- We got him a big bike of his own, and he will be riding his bike tomorrow!- – If you have a child or adult who is struggling with getting this skill,- consider this camp. They have had people as old as 26 at the Atlanta camp.- – Hope you all are having a great day!!!”